Andorra’s number one insurance comparison website

Get the best prices from all providers around Andorra in one quick short form

We compare a wide range of insurances:

Home insurance

Car insurance

Motorbike insurance

Travel insurance

Passive residence insurance

Health insurance

Pet insurance

Self employed and freelancers insurance

Life insurance

Funeral insurance

Student insurance

Ski insurance

Family reunification insurance

Public liability insurance

Savings insurance

Other insurance

Get insurance in record speed

Totsegur will help you calculate your insurance in a record time. Fill in the form to make sure you don’t overpay for the car, pet, motorbike, home, health, travel, life, skiing, or life insurance. We’ve built a comparison tool for our products, so you can compare on a personalised basis and get the one you are looking for, on a single website. To make your life easier, Totsegur will send you a list of insurance policies sorted by price. Easy as ABC!

Experts in the field

Insurance websites... They’re everywhere! Only on you’ll be able to find a wide range of insurances (car, pet, motorbike, home). The advice of our expert consultants will help you hit the mark. Find, in record time, the most important insurance providers in Andorra and purchase your insurance in a few clicks.

How do we do it?

Answer a few simple questions:

Fill in a simple form or send us a WhatsApp telling us the insurance you need and let us find the best deals for you.

We compare personalised offers

Totsegur will send you a list of insurance policies, so you get the best options on the market.

Why we are a leader? is Andorra’s number one insurance comparison website reaching out to all insurers around Andorra. Our mission is to bring transparency and excellent technology to the Andorran industry, saving both time and money in a simple way.

We compare all the insurance providers

We take into account insurance leader providers of the Andorran market and its proposals, including AXA, DKV or Assegur, in order to get you the right cover.

Frequently asked questions

  • (+376) 610 435


  • Passatge d’Europa, 1, 4t. Andorra la Vella - Ingeni Coworking Andorra

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